Make your dreams for a family come true with reliable sperm banking services
Analysis of 185 studies spanning almost 43,000 men who provided sperm samples between 1973 to 2011 found a significant 50 to 60% decline in sperm counts worldwide. Led by a foremost authority in male infertility, Dr. Jeffrey Buch, NTMIC Sperm Lab offers sperm banking services in Frisco and the greater Dallas, Texas, metroplex. This type of service has helped millions of men around the globe to become fathers.

Get to know your options
Sperm counts provide just one part of the overall picture; sperm banking starts with a comprehensive analysis of samples. You can trust NTMIC Sperm Lab’s reputation as a regional reference laboratory for sperm testing, as well as its elevated level of accuracy when defining male infertility.
As a former director of male infertility at the University of Nebraska Medical Center and the University of Connecticut Medical Center, Dr. Buch is experienced and skilled in laboratory diagnostics and clinical treatment. Over its more than 24-year history, our lab has helped couples conceive with sperm banking. We have had success with sperm that was frozen for several years – up to 14 so far! We owe these successes to both our combination of extensive clinical training and knowledge and state-of-the-art equipment and monitoring protocols. All of these characteristics distinguish NTMIC Sperm Lab from other laboratories and make all the difference in a couple’s ability to have the family they’ve always wanted.
Success! With sperm banking
Basically, banking is another way of referring to collecting and storing the semen that contains sperm. It’s also called cryopreservation or Cryobanking because prepared specimens are placed in a very cold liquid nitrogen vapor and can safely remain in the storage tank indefinitely.
When collected and prepared properly by our qualified team, semen samples don’t deteriorate even after decades of freezing. This allows for sperm banking that fits your evolving life circumstances and goals. A teen or young man who stored sperm before treatment for cancer (or other conditions) can have healthy samples waiting for him and his partner when they’re ready to become parents and start a family years later. Likewise, a man who has a vasectomy can still realize the dream of becoming a father later, should his wishes or circumstances change.
In addition to providing accurate sperm counts, which refers to the number of sperm contained in a given sample, our analysis also determines characteristics such as the number of sperm that swim in a healthy manner (motility) and the proportion of sampled sperm that are shaped normally (morphology). Even men whose sperm counts and other results are out-of-the-norm can still become fathers; while current estimates of sperm count among men worldwide are lower than those recorded historically, all it takes is a single sperm to fertilize an egg. But the more samples, the better. Generally, at least two or three samples are recommended.
Fact v. Fiction (and other good things to know)

There are several myths circulating on- and off-line about fertility treatments; for example, babies conceived as the result of sperm banking and fertility treatment aren’t at increased risk of birth defects or delayed development. Overall, children conceived naturally have a 3 to 5% risk of birth defects and a 1 to 2% risk of developmental delays. Likewise, infertility treatments don’t automatically mean multiple pregnancies. Most twins are the result of couples conceiving on their own. Seven to 15% of quadruplets and triplets were conceived spontaneously; however, multiple pregnancies are associated with medications designed to increase ovulation when female infertility is a factor.
Keep in mind:
- At the time of this writing, NTMIC Sperm Lab doesn’t accept samples from patients who test positive for HIV or hepatitis. You should bring current (within a week) results from blood tests with you to your appointment.
- Time is of the essence when it comes to sperm collection. You’ll schedule a time to drop off your sample at our convenient Metroplex location, or we’ll discuss collection at a discreet room onsite.
- Consent is important. Consider how long you want your sperm to be stored, what will happen to samples after you die or can no longer make decisions for yourself, and whether your sperm can be used for research or donated for other’s fertility treatments.
You and your growing family deserve a knowledgeable team and the latest technologies. Contact NTMIC Sperm Lab in Frisco, TX, at (972) 616-4477 to learn more about sperm banking and related services.