
Solutions for male infertility that really work from a leading men’s health expert

Male Infertility Solutions at NTMIC Sperm Lab in Frisco TX Area

Maybe you always planned to have a family. Perhaps it was a recent decision. Either way, infertility can be a devastating development. But it does not mean you have to give up on your dreams of fatherhood. In many cases, it is treatable. Men in or near Frisco, Texas, are fortunate to have access to a variety of infertility solutions from Dr. Jeffrey Buch, a renowned male health doctor, and our talented team at NTMIC Sperm Lab. Understanding infertility It is natural to be impatient. But, if you and your partner are unable to conceive right away, it is not … Continue reading

Sperm bank in Dallas suburb of Frisco, Texas, describes their sperm storage service

Sperm Storage Service at NTMIC Sperm Lab in Frisco Texas Area

Men who are interested in sperm banking for storage and later personal use in the Dallas suburb of Frisco, Texas may want to take the time to speak with Dr. Jeffrey Buch of NTMIC Sperm Lab to determine if they are a good fit. When men are undergoing certain procedures or are dealing with concerns such as prostate cancer, they may decide to bank their sperm for later use. Sperm storage is a service proudly offered by Dr. Jeffrey Buch.  Men considering sperm storage services are encouraged to book an appointment at our facility to learn more about the process … Continue reading

Four steps to successful sperm freezing, retrieval procedure, and pregnancy in the Dallas suburb of Frisco, TX

Sperm Freezing Procedure at NTMIC Sperm Lab in Frisco TX Area

The sperm freezing procedure at NTMIC sperm lab in the Dallas suburb of Frisco, TX, goes by many different names, from sperm banking and cryopreservation to cryofreezing and cryobanking. Yet, these terms all refer to the same thing: the collection, exacting processing, and freezing of sperm, so that these sperm samples may be preserved and accessed for use at a later date. For many of NTMIC Sperm Lab’s patients, the freezing process has been appreciated with other names such as “Godsend”or “blessing.” Our stringent, precise protocols and sophisticated techniques have helped couples successfully get pregnant – even 14 years after … Continue reading

Accurate, comprehensive sperm analysis test is an exceptional value in Dallas suburb of Frisco, Texas

Sperm Analysis Test at NTMIC Sperm Lab in Frisco Texas Area

In 1994, the year NTMIC Sperm Lab was founded, the average monthly apartment rent was just north of $500, and movie tickets would set you back $4 per ticket. As much as consumer goods have been affected by inflation, professional services since then have skyrocketed, which makes NTMIC’s fees all the more surprising (in a good way!). The cost of the sperm analysis test at the Frisco, Texas facility has changed little for many, many years. The test costs around $110, which is significantly less than what other labs charge. Moreover, those facilities whose fees may approximate ours, cannot say … Continue reading

What you need to know about sperm banking from a clinic near McKinney, TX

Sperm Bank Clinic Near Mckinney TX area

Sperm banking, or cryopreservation, has changed the game when it comes to assisting individuals with reproduction. It can help avoid the need for repeat surgeries in couples who are going through multiple cycles of in vitro fertilization. Furthermore, it also helps men who are undergoing medical treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation or those with deteriorating sperm quantity or quality where once there was almost no chance for a future family. If you are considering freezing your sperm, the NTIMC Sperm Lab Clinic near McKinney, TX offers patients the following information about what you should know about the procedure including … Continue reading

If You Are Experiencing Male Infertility Issues, Visit NTMIC Sperm Lab In Frisco, TX

Semen Analysis Doctor in Dallas TX area

Family. Growing up, it’s been your support system and the center of your universe. You’re at the age now when you and your partner are wanting to start a family of your own. Unfortunately, you are having issues getting pregnant. This can cause an incredibly frustrating and emotional period of your life. There are answers out there for you and Dr. Jeffrey Buch at NTMIC Sperm Lab in Frisco, TX wants to help you find those answers through semen analysis, so you can determine the cause behind your conception issues. Giving Your Sperm for Analysis At NTMIC Sperm Lab, there … Continue reading

Effective treatment options for male infertility available in Dallas, TX

Treatments for Male Infertility in Dallas area

Historically, people have regarded issues with fertility as “female problems,” but in reality, that is not the case at all! Approximately half of the infertility cases involve the man in some way, and about one in every three infertility cases is solely due to an issue with the male. At NTMIC Sperm Lab, patients in the Dallas, TX area who are facing male infertility can find effective treatment options and the non-judgmental expertise they seek. Dr. Jeffrey Buch works with each patient individually to understand the reason behind their fertility issues and customizes each treatment plan to their specific needs … Continue reading

Leading male infertility expert in Dallas discusses the importance of properly preparing for a semen analysis

Preparing for a Semen Analysis in Dallas area

The laboratories that conduct semen analysis vary in terms of skill and protocol. Led by a nationally-recognized male infertility expert, Dr. Jeffrey Buch, and guided by exacting standards, NTMIC Sperm Lab offers accurate testing that you can trust. The results from such analysis inform the treatment that ultimately leads to successful conception. It’s not unusual for patients to visit NTMIC Sperm Lab after receiving a false report of “normal fertility” from other laboratories. To assure the accuracy of your results, it’s also important to follow instructions provided by our professionals so the best sample is obtained. Preparing for semen analysis … Continue reading

Male infertility expert in Dallas TX describes the process before, during, and after sperm cryopreservation

Concept of bank sperm, Inferlity bank with sperm

Preserve your future fatherhood plans today, with the sperm banking process in Dallas TX at the NTMIC Sperm Lab. Freezing sperm for use at a later date isn’t a guarantee of a successful pregnancy; however, samples stored at very low temperatures retain their integrity indefinitely. NTMIC Sperm Lab has helped to make healthy pregnancies possible with sperm frozen for 14 years! Sperm donation explained Nationally-recognized authority on male infertility, Dr. Jeffrey Buch recommends this process should you have medical conditions or treatments that impair fertility. Retrieve cryobanked sperm whenever you and your partner are ready. Sperm can be used for … Continue reading

Quality semen analysis first step in helping Frisco TX area couples overcome fertility challenges

Quality semen analysis in Frisco TX

It’s estimated male fertility challenges contribute to close to one of every two cases of infertility. So, understanding these challenges is important to improving a couple’s chances of getting pregnant. Semen testing provides the critical knowledge that forms effective treatment plans; however, diagnostics vary dramatically from lab to lab. You can trust Dr. Jeffrey Buch and his team at NTMIC Sperm Lab for quality semen analysis in Frisco, TX. A nationally-recognized authority on male factor infertility, Director Dr. Buch has established NTMIC Sperm Lab as a regional reference laboratory for semen testing, providing accurate semen analysis for male infertility in … Continue reading

Client Testimonials

NTMIC Sperm Lab
Rating 5

Dr. Buch!
You are "THE MAN". We just want to thank you for the top notch job and services provided by you and your staff. None of this would have been possible without the wonderful works of God and the knowledge bestowed upon you. Kristen has truly been a blessing and has made our family complete! Here's a photo of our little bundle of joy!
If you are ready to learn more about solutions for male infertility, contact our team today. Please call (972) 616-4477 or Complete the form to contact us